Friederike-Nadig-Str. 31
12355 Berlin

Phone: 030 403 672 360
Fax: we don't live in the stone age

Represented by:
Managing Directors: Marcus Sanner, Lars Humpert

Register entry:
Registered in the commercial register.
Register court: Charlottenburg district court
Register number: HRA 5634 B

Tax ID:
Sales tax identification number according to §27a sales tax law: follows



We have written this data protection declaration (version 16.07.2019-311111861) in order to be able to provide you with the requirements of General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 to explain what information we collect, how we use data and what choices you have as a visitor to this website.

Unfortunately, it is in the nature of things that these explanations sound very technical, but we have tried to describe the most important things as simply and clearly as possible.

Automatic data storage

When you visit websites these days, certain information is automatically created and stored, including on this website.

If you visit our website as you are now, our web server (computer on which this website is stored) automatically saves data such as

  • the address (URL) of the accessed website
  • Browser and browser version
  • the operating system used
  • the address (URL) of the previously visited page (referrer URL)
  • the host name and the IP address of the device from which access is made
  • Date and Time

in files (web server log files).

As a rule, web server log files are stored for two weeks and then automatically deleted. We do not pass this data on, but we cannot rule out that this data will be viewed in the event of illegal behavior.
The legal basis is after Article 6 Paragraph 1 f GDPR (Lawfulness of the processing) in the fact that there is a legitimate interest in enabling the error-free operation of this website by recording web server log files.


Our website uses HTTP cookies to save user-specific data.
In the following we explain what cookies are and why they are used so that you can better understand the following data protection declaration.

What exactly are cookies?

Whenever you surf the Internet, you are using a browser. Well-known browsers include Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. Most websites save small text files in your browser. These files are called cookies.

One thing cannot be dismissed out of hand: Cookies are really useful little helpers. Almost all websites use cookies. To be more precise, they are HTTP cookies, as there are also other cookies for other areas of application. HTTP cookies are small files that our website stores on your computer. These cookie files are automatically placed in the cookie folder, which is the “brain” of your browser. A cookie consists of a name and a value. When defining a cookie, one or more attributes must also be specified.

Cookies store certain user data about you, such as language or personal page settings. When you visit our site again, your browser sends the “user-related” information back to our site. Thanks to cookies, our website knows who you are and offers you your usual standard settings. In some browsers, each cookie has its own file, in others, such as Firefox, all cookies are stored in a single file.

There are both first-party cookies and third-party cookies. First-party cookies are created directly from our side, third-party cookies are created by partner websites (e.g. Google Analytics). Each cookie must be evaluated individually, as each cookie stores different data. The expiry time of a cookie also varies from a few minutes to a few years. Cookies are not software programs and do not contain viruses, Trojans or other "pests". Cookies cannot access information on your PC either.

For example, cookie data can look like this:

  • Name: _ga
  • Expiry time: 2 years
  • Use: Differentiation of website visitors
  • Exemplary value: GA1.2.1326744211.152311111861

A browser should support the following minimum sizes:

  • A cookie should be able to contain at least 4096 bytes
  • At least 50 cookies should be able to be stored per domain
  • A total of at least 3000 cookies should be able to be stored

What types of cookies are there?

The question of which cookies we specifically use depends on the services used and is clarified in the following sections of the data protection declaration. At this point we would like to briefly discuss the different types of HTTP cookies.

There are 4 types of cookies:

Absolutely necessary cookies
These cookies are necessary to ensure the basic functions of the website. For example, these cookies are needed when a user puts a product in the shopping cart, then continues surfing on other pages and only goes to checkout later. These cookies do not delete the shopping cart, even if the user closes his browser window.

Functional cookies
These cookies collect information about user behavior and whether the user receives any error messages. In addition, these cookies are used to measure the loading time and the behavior of the website in different browsers.

Goal-oriented cookies
These cookies ensure better user-friendliness. For example, entered locations, font sizes or form data are saved.

Advertising cookies
These cookies are also called targeting cookies. They serve to deliver customized advertising to the user. That can be very practical, but also very annoying.

When you visit a website for the first time, you will usually be asked which of these types of cookies you would like to allow. And of course this decision is also saved in a cookie.

How can I delete cookies?

You decide for yourself how and whether you want to use cookies. Regardless of which service or website the cookies originate from, you always have the option of deleting cookies, only partially allowing them or deactivating them. For example, you can block third-party cookies but allow all other cookies.

If you want to find out which cookies have been stored in your browser, if you want to change or delete cookie settings, you can find this in your browser settings:

Chrome: Delete, activate and manage cookies in Chrome

Safari: manage cookies and website data with Safari

Firefox: Delete cookies to remove data that websites have stored on your computer

Internet Explorer: deleting and managing cookies

Microsoft Edge: Deleting and managing cookies

If you generally do not want cookies, you can set up your browser so that it always informs you when a cookie is to be set. For each individual cookie, you can decide whether or not to allow the cookie. The procedure is different depending on the browser. It is best to search for the instructions in Google with the search term “delete cookies Chrome” or “deactivate cookies Chrome” in the case of a Chrome browser or replace the word “Chrome” with the name of your browser, e.g. Edge, Firefox, Safari.

What about my data protection?

The so-called “cookie guidelines” have existed since 2009. It states that the storage of cookies requires the consent of the website visitor (i.e. you). Within the EU countries, however, there are still very different reactions to these guidelines. In Germany, the cookie guidelines have not been implemented as national law. Instead, this guideline was largely implemented in Section 15 (3) of the Telemedia Act (TMG).

If you want to know more about cookies and do not shy away from technical documentation, we recommend, the Request for Comments from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) called “HTTP State Management Mechanism”.

Storage of personal data

Personal data that you transmit to us electronically on this website, such as name, e-mail address, address or other personal information in the context of submitting a form or comments in the blog, are saved by us together with the time and the IP Address is only used for the specified purpose, stored securely and not passed on to third parties.

We therefore only use your personal data for communication with those visitors who expressly request contact and for processing the services and products offered on this website. We do not pass on your personal data without your consent, but we cannot rule out that this data will be viewed in the event of illegal behavior.

If you send us personal data by email - outside of this website - we cannot guarantee the secure transmission and protection of your data. We recommend that you never send confidential data unencrypted by e-mail.

The legal basis is after Article 6 Paragraph 1 a GDPR (Lawfulness of processing) in that you give us your consent to process the data you have entered. You can revoke this consent at any time - an informal e-mail is sufficient, you will find our contact details in the imprint.

Rights according to the General Data Protection Regulation

According to the provisions of the GDPR, you have the following rights:

  • Right to rectification (Article 16 GDPR)
  • Right to cancellation ("right to be forgotten") (Article 17 GDPR)
  • Right to restriction of processing (Article 18 GDPR)
  • Right to notification - obligation to notify in connection with the correction or deletion of personal data or the restriction of processing (Article 19 GDPR)
  • Right to data portability (Article 20 GDPR)
  • Right to object (Article 21 GDPR)
  • Right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing - including profiling (Article 22 GDPR)

If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or that your data protection claims have been violated in any other way, you can contact the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI) turn.

TLS encryption with https

We use https to transfer data securely on the Internet (data protection through technology design Article 25 Paragraph 1 GDPR). By using TLS (Transport Layer Security), an encryption protocol for secure data transmission on the Internet, we can ensure the protection of confidential data. You can recognize the use of this protection of data transmission by the small lock symbol in the top left of the browser and the use of the https (instead of http) scheme as part of our Internet address.

Cloudflare privacy policy

We use Cloudflare from Cloudflare, Inc. (101 Townsend St., San Francisco, CA 94107, USA) on this website to make our website faster and safer. Cloudflare uses cookies and processes user data. Cloudflare, Inc. is an American company that provides a content delivery network and various security services. These services are located between the user and our hosting provider and act as Reverse proxy for websites. We will try to explain in more detail below what all this means.

What is Cloudflare?

A content delivery network (CDN), as provided by Cloudflare, is nothing more than a network of servers connected via the Internet. Cloudflare has distributed such servers around the world to bring websites to your screen faster. Simply put, Cloudflare makes copies of our website and places them on their own servers. When you visit our website now, a load balancing system ensures that most of our website is delivered by the server that can display our website to you the fastest. A CDN significantly shortens the data transmission route to your browser. Thus, the content of our website is delivered to you by Cloudflare not only from our hosting server, but from servers from all over the world. The use of Cloudflare is particularly helpful for users from abroad, as the page can be delivered from a server nearby. In addition to the fast delivery of websites, Cloudflare also offers various security services such as DDoS protection or the web application firewall.

Why do we use Cloudflare on our website?

Of course we want to offer you the best possible service with our website. Cloudflare helps us to make our website faster and more secure. Cloudflare offers us both web optimization and security services such as DDoS protection and web firewall. This also includes a Reverse proxy and the content distribution network (CDN). Cloudflare blocks threats and limits abusive bots and crawlers that are wasting our bandwidth and server resources. By storing our website on local data centers and blocking spam software, Cloudflare enables us to reduce our bandwidth usage by around 60%. Serving content through a data center near you and doing some web optimizations there will reduce the average load time of a website by roughly half. With the setting “I'm Under Attack Mode” (“I'm under attack” mode), according to Cloudflare, further attacks can be weakened by displaying a JavaScript calculation task that must be solved before a user can access a website. Overall, this makes our website much more powerful and less susceptible to spam or other attacks.

What data does Cloudflare save?

Cloudflare generally only forwards the data that is controlled by website operators. The content is not determined by Cloudflare, but always by the website operator himself. In addition, Cloudflare may collect certain information about the use of our website and process data that is sent by us or for which Cloudflare has received instructions. In most cases, Cloudflare receives data such as contact information, IP addresses, security fingerprints, DNS log data and performance data for websites that are derived from browser activity. Log data helps Cloudflare, for example, to identify new threats. In this way, Cloudflare can guarantee a high level of security protection for our website. Cloudflare processes this data as part of the services in compliance with the applicable laws. This of course also includes the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

For security reasons, Cloudflare also uses a cookie. The cookie (__cfduid) is used to identify individual users behind a shared IP address and to apply security settings for each individual user. This cookie is very useful, for example, if you use our website from a location with a number of infected computers. However, if your computer is trustworthy, we can recognize this using the cookie. In this way you can surf our website unhindered despite infected PCs in the vicinity. It is also important to know that this cookie does not save any personal data. This cookie is essential for the Cloudflare security functions and cannot be deactivated.

Cloudflare cookies

  • __cfduid
    • Expiry time: 1 year
    • Use: Security settings for each individual visitor
    • Exemplary value: d798bf7df9c1ad5b7583eda5cc5e78311111861

Cloudflare also works with third party providers. They may only process personal data under the instruction of Cloudflare and in accordance with the data protection guidelines and other confidentiality and security measures. Cloudflare does not pass on any personal data without our explicit consent.

How long and where is the data stored?

Cloudflare stores your information primarily in the US and the European Economic Area. Cloudflare can transmit and access the information described above from all over the world. In general, Cloudflare stores user-level data for Free, Pro and Business versions of domains for less than 24 hours. For enterprise domains that have activated Cloudflare Logs (formerly Enterprise LogShare or ELS), the data can be stored for up to 7 days. However, if IP addresses trigger security warnings on Cloudflare, there may be exceptions to the storage duration listed above.

How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

Cloudflare only stores data logs for as long as necessary, and in most cases this data is deleted within 24 hours. Cloudflare also does not store any personal data, such as your IP address. However, there is information that Cloudflare saves indefinitely as part of its permanent logs in order to improve the overall performance of Cloudflare Resolver and to identify any security risks. You can click on which permanent logs are saved read up. All data that Cloudflare collects (temporarily or permanently) is cleaned of all personal data. All permanent logs are also anonymized by Cloudflare.

In their privacy policy, Cloudflare states that they are not responsible for the content they receive. For example, if you ask Cloudflare whether you can update or delete your content, Cloudflare generally refers to us as the website operator. You can also completely prevent the entire collection and processing of your data by Cloudflare by deactivating the execution of script code in your browser or by integrating a script blocker in your browser.

Cloudflare is an active participant in the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework, which regulates the correct and secure transfer of personal data. You can find more information on this at
You can find more information on data protection at Cloudflare at

Google AdSense privacy policy

We use Google AdSense, the advertising program from Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) on this website. With Google AdSense we can display advertisements on this website that match our topic. In this way, we offer you advertisements that ideally represent real added value for you. In the course of this data protection declaration about Google AdSense, we explain to you why we use Google AdSense on our website, which of your data is processed and stored and how you can prevent this data storage.

The legal basis for the use of Google AdSense is Article 6 (1) f (lawfulness of processing), because there is a legitimate interest in carrying out targeted advertising measures.

What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense has been around since 2003 and is an advertising program from Google. In contrast to Google Ads (formerly: Google AdWords), you cannot advertise yourself here. Ads are displayed on websites such as ours via Google AdSense. The biggest advantage of this advertising service compared to some others is that Google AdSense only shows you ads that match our content. Google has its own algorithm that calculates which advertisements you will see. Of course, we only want to offer you advertising that interests you and offers you added value. Based on your interests or your user behavior and on the basis of our offer, Google checks which advertisements are suitable for our website and for our users. At this point we want to mention that we are not responsible for the selection of advertisements. We only offer advertising space on our website. The selection of the displayed advertising is made by Google. Since August 2013, the displays have also been adapted to the respective user interface. That means, regardless of whether you visit our website from your smartphone, PC or laptop, the displays adapt to your device.

Why do we use Google AdSense on our website?

Running a high quality website takes a lot of dedication and effort. Basically, we're never finished working on our website. We always try to maintain our site and keep it as up-to-date as possible. Of course, we also want to achieve economic success with this work. That's why we decided to use advertisements as a source of income. The most important thing for us, however, is not to disturb your visit to our website with these advertisements. With the help of Google AdSense, you will only be offered advertising that matches our topics and your interests.

Similar to Google indexing for a website, a bot examines the corresponding content and the corresponding offers on our website. The content of the advertisements is then adjusted and presented on the website. In addition to the content-related overlaps between the ad and the website, AdSense also supports interest-based targeting. This means that Google also uses your data to offer advertising tailored to you. In this way you receive advertising that ideally offers you real added value and we have a higher chance of earning a little something.

What data is stored by Google AdSense?

Cookies are used, among other things, so that Google AdSense can display tailored, customized advertising. Cookies are small text files that store certain information on your computer.

In AdSense, cookies are intended to enable better advertising. The cookies do not contain any personally identifiable information. It should be noted, however, that Google regards data such as “pseudonymous cookie IDs” (name or other identification feature is replaced by a pseudonym) or IP addresses as non-personally identifiable information. However, within the framework of the GDPR, this data can be considered personal data. Google AdSense sends a cookie to the browser after every impression (this is always the case when you see an ad), every click and every other activity that leads to a call to the Google AdSense server. If the browser accepts the cookie, it will be saved there.

As part of AdSense, third-party providers may place and read cookies in your browser or use web beacons to save data that they receive through the provision of advertisements on the website. Web beacons are small graphics that enable log file recording and log file analysis. This analysis enables a statistical evaluation for online marketing.

Google can use these cookies to collect certain information about your user behavior on our website. These include:

  • Information on how to deal with an ad (clicks, impressions, mouse movements)
  • Information as to whether an advertisement has already appeared in your browser at an earlier point in time. This data will help prevent you from seeing an ad more often.

In doing so, Google analyzes and evaluates the data on the advertising material displayed and your IP address. Google uses the data primarily to measure the effectiveness of an ad and to improve the advertising offer. This data is not linked to personal data that Google may have about you via other Google services.

In the following, we present cookies that Google AdSense uses for tracking purposes. Here we are referring to a test website that only has Google AdSense installed: 

  • Surname: uid
  • Expiration time: after 2 months
  • Use: The cookie is saved under the domain It provides a clearly assigned, machine-generated user ID and collects data about the activity on our website.
  • Example value: 891269189311111861
  • Surname: C.
  • Expiration time: after 1 month
  • Use: This cookie identifies whether your browser accepts cookies. The cookie is saved under the domain
  • Example value: 1
  • Surname: cid
  • Expiration time: after 2 months
  • Use: This cookie is stored under the domain, stands for client ID and is used to improve advertising for you. It can deliver more relevant advertisements to the visitor and help improve the reports on campaign performance.
  • Example value: 8912691894970695056,0,0,0,0
  • Surname: IDE
  • Expiration time: after 1 month
  • Use: The cookie is saved under the domain It is used to register your actions after viewing or clicking on the ad. This allows you to measure how well an ad is received by our visitors.
  • Example value: zOtj4TWxwbFDjaATZ2TzNaQmxrU311111861
  • Surname: test_cookie
  • Expiration time: after 1 month
  • Use: The "test_cookies" can be used to check whether your browser supports cookies at all. The cookie is saved under the domain
  • Example value: no information
  • Surname: CT592996
  • Expiration time: after one hour
  • Use: Is saved under the domain The cookie is set as soon as you click on an advertisement. We could not find out more detailed information about the use of this cookie.
  • Sample value: 733366

Note: This list cannot claim to be complete, as experience has shown that Google changes the choice of their cookies again and again.

How long and where is the data stored?

Google records your IP address and various activities that you carry out on the website. Cookies store this information about the interactions on our website. According to Google, the company collects and stores the information provided in a secure manner on Google's in-house servers in the USA.

If you do not have a Google account or are not logged in, Google usually saves the collected data with a unique identifier (ID) on your browser. The unique IDs stored in cookies are used, for example, to ensure personalized advertising. If you are signed in to a Google account, Google can also collect personal data.

You can delete some of the data that Google stores at any time (see next section). Much of the information stored in cookies is automatically deleted after a certain period of time. However, there is also data that Google stores over a longer period of time. This is the case if Google has to store certain data for an indefinite, longer period of time for economic or legal reasons.

How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

You always have the option of deleting or deactivating cookies that are on your computer. How exactly this works depends on your browser.

Here you can find instructions on how to manage cookies in your browser:

Chrome: Delete, activate and manage cookies in Chrome

Safari: manage cookies and website data with Safari

Firefox: Delete cookies to remove data that websites have stored on your computer

Internet Explorer: deleting and managing cookies

Microsoft Edge: Deleting and managing cookies

If you generally do not want cookies, you can set up your browser so that it always informs you when a cookie is to be set. For each individual cookie, you can decide whether or not to allow the cookie. By downloading and installing this browser plug-in on all "advertising cookies" are also deactivated. Please note that by deactivating these cookies you will not prevent the advertisements, only personalized advertisements.

If you have a Google account, you can go to the website Deactivate personalized advertising. Here, too, you will continue to see ads, but these are no longer tailored to your interests. However, the ads will be displayed based on a few factors such as your location (derived from your IP address), the type of browser and the search terms used.

You can see which data Google basically collects and what they use this data for read up.

Google Ads (Google AdWords) Conversion Tracking Privacy Policy

We use Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) as an online marketing measure to advertise our products, offers and services. We want to make more people aware of the high quality of our offers on the Internet. As part of our advertising measures through Google Ads, we use conversion tracking from Google LLC., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”) on our website. With the help of this free tracking tool, we can adapt our advertising offer to your interests and needs much better. In the following article we want to go into more detail about why we use conversion tracking, which data is stored and how you can prevent this data storage.

The legal basis for using Google Ads conversion tracking is Article 6 (1) f (lawfulness of processing), as there is a legitimate interest in carrying out targeted advertising measures.

What is Google Ads Conversion Tracking?

Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) is the in-house online advertising system of Google LLC. We can create online advertisements through Google Ads to bring our products or services to interested people. We are convinced of the quality of our offer and want as many people as possible to get to know our website. In the online area, Google Ads offers the best platform for this. Of course, we also want to get a precise overview of the cost-benefit factor of our advertising campaigns. That's why we use the Google Ads conversion tracking tool.

But what exactly is a conversion? A conversion occurs when you change from being a purely interested website visitor to an acting visitor. This always happens when you click on our ad and then take another action, such as visiting our website. With the conversion tracking tool from Google we record what happens after a user clicks on our Google Ads ad. For example, we can see whether products are being purchased, services are being used or whether users have registered for our newsletter.

Why do we use Google Ads conversion tracking on our website?

We use Google Ads to draw attention to our offer on other websites. The aim is that our advertising campaigns really only reach those people who are interested in our products and offers. With the conversion tracking tool, we can see which keywords, ads, ad groups and campaigns lead to the desired customer actions. We see how many customers interact with our ads on a device or in a browser and then convert. This data allows us to calculate our cost-benefit factor, measure the success of individual advertising measures and consequently optimize our online marketing measures. Furthermore, with the help of the data obtained, we can make our website more interesting for you and adapt our advertising offer even more individually to your needs.

What data is saved by Google Ads conversion tracking?

We have included a conversion tracking tag or code snippet on our website in order to be able to better analyze certain user actions. If you now click on one of our Google Ads ads, the "Conversion" cookie from a Google domain is saved on your computer (usually in the browser) or mobile device. Cookies are small text files that save information on your computer.

Here are the data from the most important cookies for Google's conversion tracking:

Surname: Conversion
Expiration time: after 3 months
Example value: EhMI_aySuoyv4gIVled3Ch0llweVGAEgt-mr6aXd7dYlSAGQ311111861

Surname: _gac
Expiration time: after 3 months
Example value: 1.1558695989.EAIaIQobChMIiOmEgYO04gIVj5AYCh2CBAPrEAAYASAAEgIYQfD_BwE

Note: The _gac cookie only appears in connection with Google Analytics. The above list does not claim to be complete, as Google repeatedly uses other cookies for analytical evaluation.

As soon as you complete an action on our website, Google recognizes the cookie and saves your action as a so-called conversion. As long as you are surfing our website and the cookie has not yet expired, we and Google will recognize that you have found us through our Google Ads ad. The cookie is read out and sent back to Google Ads with the conversion data. It is also possible that other cookies are used to measure conversions. Google Ads conversion tracking can be refined and improved with the help of Google Analytics. For advertisements that Google shows in different places on the web, cookies with the name “__gads” or “_gac” may be set under our domain. Since September 2017, various campaign information has been saved by analytics.js with the _gac cookie. The cookie saves this data as soon as you visit one of our pages for which Google Ads automatic tagging has been set up. In contrast to cookies that are set for Google domains, Google can only read these conversion cookies when you are on our website. We do not collect or receive any personal data. We get a report from Google with statistical evaluations. For example, we find out the total number of users who clicked on our ad and we can see how well which advertising measure was received.

How long and where is the data stored?

At this point we would like to point out that we have no influence on how Google uses the data collected by the conversion tracking tool. According to Google, the data is encrypted and stored on secure servers. In most cases, conversion cookies expire after 30 days and do not transmit any personal data. The cookies with the name "Conversion" and "_gac" (which is used in connection with Google Analytics) have an expiration date of 3 months.

How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

You have the option not to participate in Google Ads conversion tracking. If you deactivate the Google Conversion Tracking cookie via your browser, you block conversion tracking. In this case you will not be included in the statistics of the tracking tool. You can change the cookie settings in your browser at any time. This works a little differently for each browser. Here you can find instructions on how to manage cookies in your browser:

Chrome: Delete, activate and manage cookies in Chrome

Safari: manage cookies and website data with Safari

Firefox: Delete cookies to remove data that websites have stored on your computer

Internet Explorer: deleting and managing cookies

Microsoft Edge: Deleting and managing cookies

If you generally do not want cookies, you can set up your browser so that it always informs you when a cookie is to be set. For each individual cookie, you can decide whether or not to allow the cookie. By downloading and installing this browser plug-in on all "advertising cookies" are also deactivated. Please note that by deactivating these cookies you will not prevent the advertisements, only personalized advertisements.

By being certified for the American-European data protection agreement “Privacy Shield”, the American group Google LLC must comply with the data protection laws applicable in the EU. If you would like to find out more about data protection at Google, we recommend the general data protection declaration from Google:

Newsletter data protection declaration

If you subscribe to our newsletter, you transmit the above personal data and give us the right to contact you by email. We only use the data stored when registering for the newsletter for our newsletter and do not pass it on.

If you unsubscribe from the newsletter - you will find the link for this at the bottom of every newsletter - then we will delete all data that was saved when you registered for the newsletter.

Google Fonts privacy policy

We use Google Fonts from Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) on our website.

You do not have to log in or enter a password to use Google fonts. Furthermore, no cookies are stored in your browser. The files (CSS, fonts) are requested from the Google domains and According to Google, the requests for CSS and fonts are completely separate from all other Google services. If you have a Google account, you don't need to worry that your Google account information will be transmitted to Google while you are using Google Fonts. Google records the use of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and the fonts used and stores this data securely. We will take a closer look at what the data storage looks like.

What are Google Fonts?

Google Fonts (formerly Google Web Fonts) is an interactive directory with more than 800 fonts that use the Google LLC provides for free use.

Many of these fonts are released under the SIL Open Font License, while others are released under the Apache license. Both are free software licenses. So we can use them freely without paying license fees.

Why do we use Google Fonts on our website?

With Google Fonts, we can use fonts on our own website and do not have to upload them to our own server. Google Fonts is an important component in keeping the quality of our website high. All Google fonts are automatically optimized for the web and this saves data volume and is a great advantage, especially for use on mobile devices. When you visit our site, the small file size ensures a fast loading time. Furthermore, Google Fonts are so-called secure web fonts. Different image synthesis systems (rendering) in different browsers, operating systems and mobile devices can lead to errors. Such errors can partially distort texts or entire websites. Thanks to the fast content delivery network (CDN), there are no cross-platform problems with Google Fonts. Google Fonts supports all common browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera) and works reliably on most modern mobile operating systems, including Android 2.2+ and iOS 4.2+ (iPhone, iPad, iPod).

So we use Google Fonts so that we can present our entire online service as beautifully and consistently as possible. According to Art. 6 Para. 1 f lit. F GDPR, this already represents a "legitimate interest" in the processing of personal data. In this case, "legitimate interest" means both legal and economic or ideal interests that are recognized by the legal system.

Which data is saved by Google?

When you visit our website, the fonts are downloaded from a Google server. This external call transfers data to the Google server. In this way, Google also recognizes that you or your IP address are visiting our website. The Google Fonts API was developed to reduce the collection, storage and use of end-user data to what is necessary for the efficient provision of fonts. By the way, API stands for "Application Programming Interface" and serves, among other things, as a data transmitter in the software sector.

Google Fonts securely stores CSS and font requests with Google and is therefore protected. Google can determine the popularity of the fonts through the collected usage figures. Google publishes the results on internal analysis sites such as Google Analytics. Google also uses data from its own web crawler to determine which websites use Google fonts. This data is published in Google Fonts' BigQuery database. BigQuery is a web service from Google for companies that want to move and analyze large amounts of data.

It should be noted, however, that information such as the IP address, language settings, screen resolution of the browser, version of the browser and the name of the browser are automatically transmitted to the Google server with every Google Font request. It is not clear whether this data is saved or not clearly communicated by Google.

How long and where is the data stored?

Google stores requests for CSS assets for one day on its servers, which are mainly located outside the EU. This enables us to use the fonts with the help of a Google stylesheet. A stylesheet is a format template that can be used to quickly and easily change the design or font of a website, for example.

The font files are stored by Google for one year. With this, Google is pursuing the goal of fundamentally improving the loading time of websites. When millions of web pages refer to the same fonts, they are cached after the first visit and immediately reappear on all other web pages visited later. Sometimes Google updates font files to reduce file size, increase speech coverage, and improve design.

How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

The data that Google stores for a day or a year cannot simply be deleted. The data is automatically transmitted to Google when the page is accessed. In order to be able to delete this data prematurely, you have to go to Google support to contact. In this case, you only prevent data storage if you are not visiting our site.

Unlike other web fonts, Google allows us unrestricted access to all fonts. We can therefore have unlimited access to a sea of fonts and thus get the most out of our website. You can find more about Google Fonts and other questions at Although Google deals with data protection issues there, it does not contain any really detailed information about data storage. It is relatively difficult (almost impossible) to get really precise information about stored data from Google.

You can also click on which data is generally recorded by Google and what this data is used for read up.

Google Analytics privacy policy

We use Google Analytics from Google LLC (1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) on this website to statistically evaluate visitor data. Google Analytics uses targeted cookies for this.

Google Analytics cookies

  • _ga
    • Expiry time: 2 years
    • Use: Differentiation of website visitors
    • Exemplary value: GA1.2.1326744211.152311111861
  • _gid
    • Expiry time: 24 hours
    • Use: Differentiation of website visitors
    • Exemplary value: GA1.2.1687193234.152311111861
  • _gat_gtag_UA_
    • Expiry time: 1 minute
    • Usage: Used to throttle the request rate. If Google Analytics is provided via Google Tag Manager, this cookie is named _dc_gtm_ .
    • Exemplary value: 1

For more information on terms of use and data protection, see or under


Our concern within the meaning of the GDPR is the improvement of our offer and our website. Since the privacy of our users is important to us, the user data is pseudonymized. The data processing takes place on the basis of the legal provisions of Art 6 EU-DSGVO Abs 1 lit a (consent) and / or f (legitimate interest) of the DSGVO.

Deactivation of data collection by Google Analytics

With the help of Browser add-ons for deactivation Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js, dc.js) can prevent website visitors from using their data.

You can prevent Google from collecting the data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of the website and from processing this data by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link:


Google Maps privacy policy

We use Google Maps from Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) on our website.

By using the functions of this map, data is transmitted to Google. You can see what data Google collects and what this data is used for at read up.

Embedded social media elements data protection declaration

We integrate elements of social media services on our website in order to display images, videos and texts.
When you visit pages that display these elements, data is transferred from your browser to the respective social media service and stored there. We have no access to this data.
The following links take you to the pages of the respective social media services where it is explained how they handle your data:

Facebook privacy policy

On this website we use functions from Facebook, a social media network from Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbor, Dublin 2 Ireland.
You can access which functions (social plug-ins) Facebook provides read up.
By visiting our website, information can be transmitted to Facebook. If you have a Facebook account, Facebook can assign this data to your personal account. If you do not want this, please log out of Facebook.
The data protection guidelines, what information Facebook collects and how you use it can be found on

YouTube privacy policy

We use the YouTube video service from YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA on this website.

When you visit pages on our website that have integrated YouTube videos, data is transmitted to YouTube, stored and evaluated.
If you have a YouTube account and are logged in, this data will be assigned to your personal account and the data stored in it.

You can see what data Google collects and what this data is used for at read up.

Twitter privacy policy

On this website we use functions from Twitter, a social network operated by Twitter International Company, One Cumberland Place, Fenian Street, Dublin 2 D02 AX07, Ireland.

This means that personal data can also be transmitted to Twitter. We do not monitor this data exchange and do not save anything about it.

If you want to know more about how Twitter uses your data, you can find all the information in the Twitter data protection guidelines at

If you have a Twitter account, you can change your data protection settings in the account settings under to change.

Google+ privacy policy

We use Google+ functions on our website, the social network operated by Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA).

If you want to take full advantage of the features offered, you need a Google account.

Even when using the functions (Google +1 buttons, Google+ badge, follow button, Google+ share button and link, sign-in button, hangout button) without a Google account, information is already transmitted to Google.

If you are logged in to your Google account while using the functions listed above, your data will be saved depending on the setting published worldwide and collected and evaluated by Google.

You can see what data Google collects and what this data is used for at read up.

Instagram privacy policy

We use functions of the Instagram social media network from Instagram LLC, 1601 Willow Rd, Menlo Park CA 94025, USA on our website.

With the functions for embedding Instagram content (embed function) we can display pictures and videos.

By calling up pages that use such functions, data (IP address, browser data, date, time, cookies) are transmitted to Instagram, stored and evaluated.

If you have an Instagram account and are logged in, this data will be assigned to your personal account and the data stored in it.

The data protection guidelines, what information Instagram collects and how you use it can be found at

Facebook-Pixel data protection declaration

On this website we use the Facebook pixel from Facebook, a social media network operated by Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbor, Dublin 2 Ireland.

The code implemented on this page can evaluate the behavior of visitors who came to this website from a Facebook advertisement. This can be used to improve Facebook advertisements and this data is recorded and stored by Facebook. The recorded data cannot be viewed by us but can only be used in the context of advertisements. The use of the Facebook pixel code also sets cookies.

By using the Facebook pixel, the visit to this website is communicated to Facebook so that visitors to Facebook can see suitable ads. If you have a Facebook account and are logged in, your visit to this website will be assigned to your Facebook user account.

You can find out how the Facebook pixel is used for advertising campaigns at

You can change your settings for advertisements in Facebook if you are logged into Facebook. At you can manage your preferences with regard to usage-based online advertising. There you can deactivate or activate many providers at once or make the settings for individual providers.

You can find more information on Facebook's data policy at


Google reCAPTCHA privacy policy

Our primary goal is to ensure that our website is as protected and secure as possible for you and for us. To ensure this, we use Google reCAPTCHA from Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA). With reCAPTCHA we can determine whether you are really a flesh and blood human and not a robot or other spam software. We understand spam as any unsolicited information that comes to us electronically. With the classic CAPTCHAS, you mostly had to solve text or picture puzzles to check. With reCAPTCHA from Google, we usually don't have to bother you with such puzzles. In most cases, it is sufficient to simply tick the box and confirm that you are not a bot. With the new Invisible reCAPTCHA version you don't even have to check the box anymore. You will find out exactly how this works and, above all, which data is used for it in the course of this data protection declaration.

The legal basis for its use is Article 6 (1) f (lawfulness of processing), because there is a legitimate interest in protecting this website from bots and spam software.

What is reCAPTCHA?

reCAPTCHA is a free captcha service from Google that protects websites from spam software and misuse by non-human visitors. The most common use of this service is when filling out forms on the Internet. A captcha service is an automatic Turing test that is designed to ensure that an action on the Internet is carried out by a human and not a bot. In the classic Turing test (named after the computer scientist Alan Turing), a person determines the difference between bot and human. With captchas, this is also done by the computer or a software program. Classic captchas work with small tasks that are easy for humans to solve, but are very difficult for machines. With reCAPTCHA, you no longer have to actively solve puzzles. The tool uses modern risk techniques to distinguish people from bots. Here you only have to tick the text field “I am not a robot” or with Invisible reCAPTCHA even this is no longer necessary. With reCAPTCHA, a JavaScript element is integrated into the source text and then the tool runs in the background and analyzes your user behavior. The software calculates a so-called captcha score from these user actions. Google uses this score to calculate the probability that you are human before entering the captcha. ReCAPTCHA or captchas in general are always used when bots could manipulate or abuse certain actions (such as registrations, surveys, etc.).

Why do we use reCAPTCHA on our website?

We only want to welcome people of flesh and blood on our side. Bots or spam software of all kinds can safely stay at home. That is why we do all we can to protect ourselves and offer you the best possible user-friendliness. For this reason we use Google reCAPTCHA from Google. So we can be pretty sure that we will remain a “bot-free” website. By using reCAPTCHA, data is transmitted to Google that Google uses to determine whether you are really human. reCAPTCHA thus serves the security of our website and consequently also your security. For example, without reCAPTCHA, it could happen that a bot registers as many e-mail addresses as possible during registration in order to "spam" on forums or blogs with unwanted advertising content. With reCAPTCHA we can avoid such bot attacks.

What data is stored by reCAPTCHA?

ReCAPTCHA collects personal data from users in order to determine whether the actions on our website really come from people. So the IP address and other data that Google needs for the reCAPTCHA service can be sent to Google. IP addresses are almost always shortened beforehand within the member states of the EU or other signatory states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area before the data ends up on a server in the USA. The IP address will not be combined with other Google data unless you are logged in to your Google account while using reCAPTCHA. First, the reCAPTCHA algorithm checks whether Google cookies from other Google services (YouTube, Gmail, etc.) have already been placed on your browser. ReCAPTCHA then sets an additional cookie in your browser and takes a snapshot of your browser window.

The following list of collected browser and user data does not claim to be complete. Rather, they are examples of data that, to our knowledge, are processed by Google.

  • Referrer URL (the address of the page from which the visitor comes)
  • IP address (e.g.
  • Information about the operating system (the software that enables the operation of your computer. Known operating systems are Windows, Mac OS X or Linux)
  • Cookies (small text files that save data in your browser)
  • Mouse and keyboard behavior (every action you perform with the mouse or keyboard is saved)
  • Date and language settings (which language or which date you have preset on your PC is saved)
  • All Javascript objects (JavaScript is a programming language that enables websites to adapt to the user. JavaScript objects can collect all possible data under one name)
  • Screen resolution (shows how many pixels the picture consists of)

It is undisputed that Google uses and analyzes this data even before you click the "I am not a robot" tick. With the Invisible reCAPTCHA version, there is even no ticking and the entire recognition process runs in the background. How much and which data Google stores exactly cannot be learned from Google in detail.

The following cookies are used by reCAPTCHA: Here we refer to the reCAPTCHA demo version from Google at All of these cookies require a unique identifier for tracking purposes. Here is a list of cookies that Google reCAPTCHA has set on the demo version:

Surname: IDE
Expiration time: after a year
Use: This cookie is set by DoubleClick (also owned by Google) to register and report the actions of a user on the website when dealing with advertisements. In this way, advertising effectiveness can be measured and appropriate optimization measures can be taken. IDE is stored in browsers under the domain
Example value: WqTUmlnmv_qXyi_DGNPLESKnRNrpgXoy1K-pAZtAkMbHI-311111861

Surname: 1P_JAR
Expiration time: after a month
Use: This cookie collects statistics on website usage and measures conversions. A conversion occurs, for example, when a user becomes a buyer. The cookie is also used to show relevant advertisements to users. The cookie can also be used to prevent a user from seeing the same ad more than once.
Example value: 2019-5-14-12

Surname: ANID
Expiration time: after 9 months
Use: We could not find out much information about this cookie. In Google's data protection declaration, the cookie is used in connection with "advertising cookies" such as. B. “DSID”, “FLC”, “AID”, “TAID” mentioned. ANID is stored under the domain
Example value: U7j1v3dZa3111118610xgZFmiqWppRWKOr

Surname: CONSENT
Expiration time: after 19 years
Use: The cookie stores the status of a user's consent to the use of various Google services. CONSENT is also used for security in order to check users, prevent fraud of login information and protect user data from unauthorized attacks.
Example value: YES + + 20150628-20-0

Surname: NID
Expiration time: after 6 months
Use: NID is used by Google to tailor advertisements to your Google searches. With the help of the cookie, Google “remembers” your most frequently entered search queries or your previous interaction with ads. This way you always get customized advertisements. The cookie contains a unique ID that Google uses to collect personal settings of the user for advertising purposes.
Example value: 0WmuWqy311111861zILzqV_nmt3sDXwPeM5Q

Surname: DV
Expiration time: after 10 minutes
Use: As soon as you have ticked the “I am not a robot” checkbox, this cookie will be set. The cookie is used by Google Analytics for personalized advertising. DV collects information in an anonymous form and is also used to be able to make user distinctions.
Example value: gEAABBCjJMXcI0dSAAAANbqc311111861

Note: This list cannot claim to be complete, as experience has shown that Google changes the choice of their cookies again and again.

How long and where is the data stored?

By inserting reCAPTCHA, your data will be transferred to the Google server. Where exactly this data is stored, Google does not clearly state, even after repeated inquiries. Without having received a confirmation from Google, it can be assumed that data such as mouse interaction, time spent on the website or language settings on the European or American Google Servers. The IP address that your browser transmits to Google is generally not merged with other Google data from other Google services. However, if you are logged into your Google account while using the reCAPTCHA plug-in, the data will be merged. The different data protection provisions of Google apply for this.

How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

If you do not want any data about you or your behavior to be transmitted to Google, you must completely log out of Google and delete all Google cookies before you visit our website or use the reCAPTCHA software. In principle, the data is automatically transmitted to Google as soon as you visit our website. In order to delete this data again, you have to go to Google support to contact.

So when you use our website, you agree that Google LLC and its representatives automatically collect, process and use data.

You can learn a little more about reCAPTCHA on Google's web developer page Google goes into the technical development of the reCAPTCHA in more detail here, but you will look in vain for precise information about data storage and data protection issues. A good overview of the basic use of data at Google can be found in the in-house data protection declaration

Source: Created with the Privacy generator by AdSimple in cooperation with